01726 862 876 sales@flyingfishseafoods.co.uk
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what to buy now

The ocean is ever changing, and that’s why we have dedicated and passionate representatives to advise on what’s in season right now for menus. We’re regularly monitoring catchment data to help you make the most up to date and informed choices. From tidal changes to adverse weather conditions, there are a whole host of factors affecting what’s best to buy at any given point in the year. Take a look below and get in contact with our friendly and expert team of advisors to discuss the best options for fish in season now.

Gill net newlyn hake

Hake are a large predatory fish that shoal in the deep waters outside of the 6 mile limit. Caught using Gill Nets.  A soft and highly sustainable alternative to Cod.

Head over toThe Cornwall Good Seafood Guide to find out more.

Day boat cornish monkfish

Rarely landed in Cornwall with head on….The urban myth is that it is bad luck to land with the head and the next fishing trip will be poor.

In reality the heads are so large they are normally chopped off at sea to save space and fuel!

Head over toThe Cornwall Good Seafood Guideto find out more.

Newlyn Lemon sole

A highly prized flat fish with a distinctive delicate flavour and white meat.  Caught in large numbers at this time of year by inshore Otter trawlers.  An amazing fish on its own, or a great alternative to Plaice as they recover from spawning.

Head over toThe Cornwall Good Seafood Guideto find out more.

01726 862 876 sales@flyingfishseafoods.co.uk